In this digital age, the classic physical suggestion box is old-fashioned. But its simplicity can be a powerful tool for fostering feedback and driving innovation. In this blog, we'll walk through simple steps for setting up a traditional employee suggestion box, turning it into a symbol of a company that values its employees' input.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you implement this tool in your workplace, the right way!
Start by outlining what you hope to achieve. It might seem like a no-brainer to just place this box in the office and let it be. But without a goal guiding your strategy, it will be difficult to make progress. Think of the outcomes you want in your workplace.
There’s no right or wrong here. Having a clear objective going in will help guide the entire setup process.
Selecting the right location for your employee suggestion box is key to its success. Imagine having it near the restrooms or tucked away in the manager's office—would that feel right? Ultimately, the goal is to position it in areas that encourage participation. All while respecting the comfort and privacy of employees. Consider high-traffic zones like communal spaces, by the reception, or near the office entrance. They're visible and easily accessible, making them ideal locations.
Choose a visually appealing and sturdy suggestion box. It doesn't have to be extravagant, but it should command attention. A transparent box can encourage participation as more submissions come in. A covered box will do just well if you prefer having more anonymous submissions. Make sure the slot is big enough to fit submissions, whether a piece of paper or a suggestion form.
It’s important that both parties get on the same page for this initiative to work well. Start by making an announcement to create awareness about this tool. Whether you do it through email or in a town hall meeting, clearly explain its purpose, benefits, and how employees' ideas contribute to positive change.
This is to ensure that you receive meaningful suggestions that are aligned with your organizational goals. Outline the type of feedback you're seeking, the preferred format, and any specific criteria for evaluation.
When it comes to anonymity, get insights from your workforce on what they prefer. Workers should feel comfortable in sharing honest and innovative suggestions. There can be instances where someone refrains from participating simply because they fear judgment. If that’s the case, maybe consider a system that allows optional name-sharing on their submissions.
To add some structure to your employee suggestion box, consider using a suggestion form. The key is to create one that’s simple, straightforward, and appealing. A black-and-white form might feel too corporate, which could over-formalize the process. Be creative and change it up with some color. It shouldn’t be lengthy either. You want to encourage participation, so keep questions and answering options as simple as possible.
Having a routine helps create accountability. Set a regular collection period and assign responsibility to someone dependable. That could be a receptionist, team lead, or manager.
It’s also key to ensure transparency. Over 50% of employees cite that a lack of transparency holds their company back. By providing regular updates on the progress and outcomes of suggestions, you keep employees informed and show that you value their engagement. In turn, they’ll feel encouraged to share suggestions and feedback more freely.
Great contributions deserve recognition. Particularly when they’re innovative and lead to new advancements. Having a reward system can be a great way to motivate and encourage creative suggestions. Gamification is an effective strategy for this. You can incentivize workers with a leaderboard or themed challenges to get further participation. There are many ways you can acknowledge and appreciate your worker’s contributions, like:
To further increase engagement, check out these suggestion box ideas for some additional inspiration.
This is key to the ongoing improvement of your employee suggestion box. They’ll have the most to say because, after all, it’s their experience. Conduct surveys or feedback sessions to understand how employees perceive the suggestion box and how it can better serve their needs. You’ll gain new insights but most importantly, keep an open mind and embrace improvements.
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