Hybrid Work

Establishing Your Hybrid Work Culture

Build a hybrid work culture that fosters collaboration and innovation. Learn how to build a dynamic environment that empowers your team for success.
December 1st, 2022
10 mins to read
Hassan Jaffar
Litespace Blog
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Establishing Your Hybrid Work Culture

Key Highlight 

Hybrid work cultures examine several issues that emerged due to the pandemic, which required adjustments to maintain productivity while focusing on work-life balance. Additionally, it was examined how adopting technology may impact employees' health, which could leave them feeling worn out.  

Hybrid Work Culture 

Focus Questions about Hybrid Work Culture:

  • What does contemporary organizational culture entail? 
  • Has its meaning changed as a result of the pandemic? 
  • Should leaders be concerned or even discuss it? 

According to a recent study, they should McKinsey claims that companies with healthy work cultures returned three times more to shareholders during the pandemic. On the other hand, problems associated with culture and people account for 70% of transformation failures

Hybrid work arrangements have made it more challenging than ever to reinforce and sustain an organization's work culture. However, such opportunities are rare. As new working models emerge, managers must reconsider how they run their organizations. The current circumstance allows us to reassess how work will be done in the future following the widespread migration to home offices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hybrid Work-life integration promotes an excellent work-life balance. Adapting to constantly changing industry trends has been more critical than ever in the last few years. 

Strategies for integrating hybrid culture into your organization:

Adjusting To A Work-Life Balance

Traditional offices have designated seats and 9-to-5 work hours starting in 2020. However, at the pandemic's start, we witnessed a once-in-a-generation shift towards remote work.

Businesses that saw changes within the workplace as a threat are:

  1. Work Culture 
  2. Productivity 
  3. Innovation 

Employees saw this as an opportunity within the workplace that includes:

  1. Cost of savings
  2. Reduced real estate footprint
  3. Unrestricted talent access

The future of the workplace is currently hybrid: a mix of working from home and in an office.

‍According to a recent Microsoft poll of 30,000 employees worldwide, 66% of decision-makers contemplate modifying physical facilities to allow hybrid work properly. In contrast, 70% of employees want flexible working options to remain. 

However, transitioning to a hybrid workforce introduces challenges and complexities many businesses are still grappling with.

The Challenge of Adjusting to Work-Life Balance 

It will be difficult for leaders to gauge employee wellness, engagement, and work satisfaction without the appropriate policies and digital tools.

The Opportunity of Adjusting to Work-Life Balance 

Employee sentiment analysis tools can assist firms in understanding employee stress levels and motivations and provide data for more strategic decisions and policies to boost retention initiatives. They can also pinpoint trouble areas and provide information for more strategic decisions.

Staying Productive

Employers may find it difficult to manage and evaluate the productivity of their remote staff because this pandemic is blurring the lines between when the work begins and ends. Some remote workers may work longer hours less productively, while others may become technologically distracted or burnt out.

However, if remote workers can access relevant information while their work is being done, productivity can increase due to the absence of typical office distractions such as traveling and commuting.

Without a seamless link to team members at the office, opportunities to share knowledge, communicate, monitor performance, and make choices may be easily missed. This is a significant challenge in the hybrid work environment.

The Challenge of Staying Productive

How can companies reestablish lost collaboration when employees are split 60/40 or 70/30 between working from home and in an office?

The Opportunity of Staying Productive

Technology can be used to increase collaboration and productivity. Tools such as the Litespace recommendation system can boost creativity in meetings. Litespace's platform uses artificial intelligence to make scheduling and booking easier. When in the office, prioritize relationships and collaborative work, such as whiteboard brainstorming.

Digital Exhaustion

In the hybrid workplace, digital overload is a legitimate and ongoing risk. Employees spend an increasing percentage of their workdays utilizing digital platforms and tools that allow them to collaborate as the availability of these platforms grows.

Employees need help to maintain a work-life balance. As a result, they fight to unplug at the end of their workday because they utilize too many tools, apps, and virtual meetings.

According to Microsoft's global study, one in every five respondents believes their employer is unconcerned about their work-life balance, and 54% feel overworked

The Challenge of Digital Exhaustion

In a hybrid workplace, how can you promote employee well-being and performance?

The Opportunity of Digital Exhaustion

Finding a balance between synchronous and asynchronous collaboration when working with people in different time zones is crucial, as is encouraging staff to take five-minute breaks between remote meetings, planning their days around other priorities, and looking at ways to lessen exposure to digital distractions and avoid virtual overload. Users can receive notifications when their favorite co-worker arrives at work thanks to the AI recommendation system in Litespace.

Digital Adoption

The future workplace is hybrid, and the future office space must be integrated and unified with a mix of digital and physical surroundings. A shift in employees' ideas of what it means to be at work has changed how organizations better arrange their systems to support this new normal. Accelerating their digital processes, acknowledging the necessity of shifting to a digital work environment, and designing user-friendly, more effective solutions are critical to attaining that aim. 

The entire focus is on digitally redefining how firms operate, including learning about software and programs that may assist businesses in developing viable remote and hybrid working models. As a result, acquiring tech-savvy employees who can work on the back end and build up systems is required. Alternatively, they could broaden the scope of their current workforce's knowledge and skills. To keep ahead of the competition and adapt to a changing world, companies that go hybrid will naturally develop the motivation to innovate in search of innovations.

‍Regardless, it is critical to consider the human factor when rushing to go digital. Technology and the human aspect are important in how firms generate productive, happy, and efficient employees. Creating a state-of-the-art digital system with a faultless communication network that enables remote working is insufficient. Mutual trust is required for a company's hybrid work model to be successful. If you nurture that and a culture of dependability and accountability, reaping the benefits of a hybrid work model will be much easier.

The Challenge of Digital Adoption

How do you ensure that users feel supported and understand the purpose of each digital tool?

Opportunity of Digital Adoption

To conduct digital training and change management for all employees utilizing various tools and applications, choose leaders and advocates who are well-versed in technology.

Key Learning

Because culture is the foundation of a company, all workplace cultures, including hybrid ones, are crucial.  The corporate culture should make employees feel seen, heard, and valued. As a result, production increases, morale is high, and corporate growth is maintained. Employees will feel disengaged, retention challenges will occur, morale will deteriorate, and your prospects of accomplishing your goals will be minimal if a positive business culture is not established.

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