Federal workers will see an average pay increase of 5.2 percent, with higher raises in certain high-income regions, following an order signed by President Biden. This marks the largest raise for U.S. government employees since the Carter administration.
The National Finance Center (NFC) has released crucial information regarding the 2024 Federal pay raise. The salary boost for nearly 2.2 million federal civilian workers is the biggest since 1980, surpassing last year's raise by 0.6 percentage points. It came into effect on January 14, 2024, for most federal employees.
Similarly, the military saw a similar increase in January as part of the $886 billion defense bill passed by Congress. Biden's executive order finalizes the yearly determination of government worker salaries, a process that typically sparks debates in Congress over the worth of federal employees compared to those in the private sector.
President Biden's alternative pay plan, outlined in the executive order, combines a 4.7% across-the-board raise for most General Schedule (GS) employees with an average 0.5% adjustment based on locality. This adjustment introduces variations in pay, with some employees receiving raises higher than the 5.2% average, and others slightly less.
Locality pay plays a crucial role, resulting in varying raises across the nation. For instance, federal employees in the Houston locality will see a 4.89% increase, while those in the Seattle-Tacoma locality will experience a 5.7% raise. Specific pay raise percentages for different localities are detailed, providing a comprehensive overview of the adjustments.
It is an ongoing debate between whether the public or the private pay more, but for 2024, the clear winner is the public sector.
According to a survey by Willis Towers Watson, U.S. companies plan to give salary increases of 4.3% in 2023. Whereas, the government pay raise was 5.2%.
Why the gap? Well, it's all about their styles – private companies ride the waves of the job market, while the public sector keeps it chill and stable, making them the salary champs for the coming year.
Ultimately, the choice between the public and private sectors depends on individual preferences, career goals, and values. Job seekers may prioritize factors such as job security, mission alignment, compensation, or growth opportunities based on their personal and professional aspirations.
Ultimately, the choice between the public and private sectors hinges on individual preferences, career goals, and values. The blog emphasizes that job seekers should prioritize factors such as job security, mission alignment, compensation, or growth opportunities based on their personal and professional aspirations.
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