When that time comes around, remember to wish your co-worker a happy work anniversary. Appreciating and feeling appreciated in the workplace go hand in hand. Therefore, wishing your co-worker a happy work anniversary can make a difference in the atmosphere within the office.
You may be wondering how to go about wishing your teammate and we get it wishing your co-worker a Happy Work Anniversary can be at times difficult. You may be anxious about what to include, the length of the message or you may be concerned about how to approach your scary boss. Whatever it may be, we have compiled a list of diverse messages you can use to make your co-worker feel appreciated on their work anniversary.
When drafting up your work anniversary message, it's important to factor in the kind of relationship you have with your co-worker or superior. If you are close to your co-worker you can consider their humour and can reflect it in your message. You may want to lay off a message template that may come off as offensive to a more lighthearted individual.
Consider how busy your workplace is as your co-worker may be overwhelmed by three pages of a handwritten anniversary note. It is important to ensure your note is succinct but long enough to convey genuine appreciation.
You may want to deliver the message through a platform that ensures your teammate will receive the message as soon as possible. Is your teammate susceptible to responding to a quick Slack or is an email more elaborate?
At all times, professionalism must be upheld. Remember your co-worker is still a member of your team and is owed respect. If you are close to your co-workers you might consider wishing them outside of a formal work setting.
With that being said, find some sample messages you can use to get your message across.
Overall, if you are unsure of what words to use or what template to follow, a simple Happy Work Anniversary is a perfect message. We tend to worry and overthink little things in the workspace, the complexities of a work anniversary message should not be the reason why we miss out on celebrating this milestone. Therefore, if none of the templates or suggestions resonate with you do not stress out! Calm down, take a deep breath and be your most authentic self. Wish that co-worker a happy work anniversary and turn that frown upside down!
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