Do you ever feel like time at work just slips away? Or that you are forgetting something important that needs to be done? If so, consider creating a weekly plan to help you be more intentional with your time and finally start focusing on the goals you really care about.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through assessing your week, how to set practical goals each week, and how to prioritize your tasks in a weekly to-do list.
Reserve 30 minutes a week for planning. Sunday evenings are great for looking back on one week and preparing for the next. Make the 4Ds chart - Do, Delegate, Defer Delete.
Decide on Your Tools: digital calendar or paper planner? monthly, weekly or daily orientation? Choose what feels right. Google Calendar and Clickup are the most widely used tools.
NOTE Fixed Obligations: Make a list of non-negotiables, ie any meetings, seminars or appointments you already have during your week. These are fixed, so you can then account for the rest of your time. For example, in your calendar, block out time for classes, take your pet for a walk, finish that article due Friday morning, write four blog posts, and touch base with your family with a deadline. Put the things you most want to or have to do first.
Set Weekly Goals: Let your planning session help translate your long-term plans to weekly goals. Have a weekly schedule sheet on Microsoft Excel, and make timely entries and checklists of your tasks.
Ask: what’s the one big thing I can start this week to make progress on my future?
Add Leisure Time: Be sure to schedule time for yourself so that you do not burn out on implementing your life plan. Plan time for fun as an important source of energy, and keep the activities that you love and are good at.
Thinking ahead, setting goals, crafting action plans, and putting it all together in a way that makes sense... it's a lot to take in. By implementing these strategies, you'll become good at weekly planning, maximizing productivity while also maintaining work-life balance.
Once you get the hang of planning out your days, weeks, and even your whole year, it can really shift your perspective. Waking up with a clear direction, understanding your purpose for getting out of bed, and knowing how you're progressing toward your goals adds a whole new level of satisfaction to life.
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