Integrate with Google

Make room booking easier and simplify scheduling by syncing your google calendar and work status to your workspace.
Use Cases
Integrate with Google

1. Introduction

Integration is important, especially with more and more apps and systems being used in the office. So to help, Litespace offers integration with google calendar to aid in your daily scheduling needs.  

Litespace offers double ended syncing with your scheduling data to allow you to create events with our platform and receive notifications on your google calendar. Additionally, syncing can be used to aid in office space and room booking.

2. Challenges

Lack of Calendar Syncing  some text

Working Around Remote Work and Hybrid Schedulessome text

Booking Meeting Rooms some text

3. Our Solution

Calendar Syncing

Hybrid Scheduling

Room Booking

4. Measurable Outcomes

5. Before-and-After Scenarios

Before Using Litespace

After Using Litespace

6. Implementation Time

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"Ever since we integrated our Google Calendar with Litespace, errors like duplication and miscommunication have been down 20%."
Craig Deng
Product @ Interac
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